Thursday, June 2, 2011

Perspective and Truths

How a little can make a big difference. The main cause is perspective, we change perspective and the whole situation can be different.
Lets just say a boy steals some food at a supermarket or a convenience store or just a roadside hawker. First impression you would have why do such people exist? But if you were to know if that boy was stealing for his hungry family who cannot make ends meet. Your impression would change drastically and instead of turning a sore eye at him, you would even help him and his family. We see a lot of these in movies.

"There is no such thing as lies, only degrees of truth"

Or is it

"There is no such thing as truths, only degrees of lies"

PS: i think i like the 2nd one better since "perfect truth" doesn't exist but "perfect lie" does, then again, the perfect lie is lying by telling the truth...

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